Holy Family Apostolate

for families… by families…

  • Our Lady of Good Counsel

    Our Lady of Good Counsel

  • "The Holy Family of Nazareth is truly the 'prototype" of every Christian family which…is called to carry out the wonderful vocation and mission of being the living cell not only of society but also of the Church, a sign and instrument of unity
    for the entire human race."

    - Pope Benedict XVI

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Study shows it was warmer in Roman times than today

Posted by Joseph on 16 December, 2013

Scientists may have figured out why Romans wore togas and the global warming theorists are not going to be pleased. A new study by Swiss scientists finds the earth was warmer during Roman and Medieval times than it is today, which indicates that greenhouse gases may not be the driving force behind the modern global warming trend.

The importance of this report is that it indicates the Earth was warmer in pre-industrial times, meaning that mother nature rather than man may be driving climate change.


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